During the Chinese New Year it is customary for hongbaos (small red envelops containing money) to be given away. When parents give this envelop to their children, it is also to wish them prosperity and success. Knowing that this sincere wish is insufficient, however, they also remind their children to study hard. Chinese people generally believe that a good education is the key to one’s success in life.
How hard the battle goes, the day how long; faint not, fight on!
Tomorrow comes the song.
When facing crisis trust god and move on.
Beware of covetousness, for one’s lie does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.
With all that we possess.
And my we show our gratitude
With heartfelt thankfulness
You are rich when you are satisfied with what you have.
When we sin, we should take responsibility. Let’s pray like David: “I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity, I have not hidden.”
And blame another person;
For if I don’t admit my wrong,
My sin will only worsen.
The first step in repenting from sin
Is to admit that you are to blame.
Sometimes, though, we take the search for earthly happiness too far. We see it as the most important pursuit, and even believe that our happiness is God’s highest goal for us. That’s when our thinking gets confused.
I long, O God, to honor You;
But may my highest motive be
To love the Christ who died for me.
There is no true happiness apart from holiness
And no holiness apart from Christ.
When we’re involved in serving
And meeting other’s needs,
We’re imitating Jesus
In thoughts and words and deeds
Serve God by serving others