A nice person is like a wind
You'll not know what's inside his heart
but you will always feel
his presence and sincerity
Thank you for being one.
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When you're down to nothing,
God is up to something.
Faith sees the invisible,
believes the incredible,
and receives the impossible
keep the faith...
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Don't let little things get down you
You've got many big reasons
to look up to God and say
Thanks, it's gonna be a great day....
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Live life one day at a time
Share it with people who matter most of you.
For life is a little jar of memories and experiences.
So fill it with love and joy.....
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Strive life one day
Strive at peace to everyone
The bridge you burn today
may be the one you will cross tomorrow
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The key lies in establishing good study habits from the very beginning. It can be quite a struggle to get your kids to study every day after school. But homework is a fact after school aged children. As parents, we should aim to make learning at home fun, and not a burden.
Traditionally, parents demand that kids start working on their homework as soon as they get home. But this no longer makes studying effective for children. School can be stressful enough, so they also need to relax before taking on assignments. A few minutes will do; enough time to eat, change clothes, and get organized. Good study habits should already be formed at the start of the school year.
Here’s how:
• Establish a routine
That your children follow study time table should take place at the same time everyday, so that he’ll learn how to schedule his activities. This also gives him a sense of control over how he spends his time.
• Make him study in blocks of time
With breaks in between, no matter how short, breaks can be very relaxing and invigorating. It can also help him get back into the mood. Plan the schedule with your child.
• Turn off the TV
Homework must be finished before watching TV, with no exceptions.
• Pick a good place
The study area should be away from distractions, with a table and chair, good lighting, and comfortable temperature. To keep your child from having to get up every few minutes, the area should already have books, notebooks, and paper and other supplies in place.
• Be advanced
Have your child study his notes as if he’ll be having a quiz the next day (even if there won’t be any). This will help condition his mind, and increase memory retention. Once he develops this habit, he will find it easy to prepare for succeeding lessons.
• Spend time with your kids
The input we give during study periods will help form a bond, and hopefully makes studying more enjoyable. Offer lots of encouragement; for sure, your child will love the attention and the fun.
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Here are the twenty one live long tricks:
• Buy a bouquet
Looking at flowers can get you in a brighter mood, research from Rutgers, the state university of New Jersey, suggests. In three different studies, receiving flowers was shown to have both immediate and long-term positive effects on emotional outlook.
• Go overboard on sunscreen
Skin cancer is largely preventable. While you definitely want to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen.(which blocks both UVA and UVB rays) with a SPF of 15 or higher, slathering on enough sunscreen is the most important factor for determining how effectively it works. If you’re spending a full day on the beach, aim to go through a small 3 to 5 oz tube. During the rainy season, when UVrays were weaker, applying an SPF moisturizer to your face and other exposed skin is probably enough. But know that there’s no hard evidence that sunscreen protect s against malignant melanoma, which is the deadliest form of skin cancer, so your best protection is to minimize direct sun exposure and wear protective clothing in addition to lubing up.
• Play some head games
Keeping your mind stimulated boosts memory and brain power and slashes your risk of developing dementia nearly by half. Look for fun ways to challenge your brain: try to memorize the phone numbers programmed into your mobile phone and make calls without using speed dial; brush your teeth or try using chopsticks with your non-dominant hand; or start a monthly trivia game night with friends.
• Have oatmeal for breakfast
For starters, it may help you shed unwanted pounds. Oats are complex carbs, so they digest slowly and keep blood sugar steady, which fends off hunger and may help control type 2 diabetes. Oatmeal also acts like sponge during digestion by soaking up excess cholesterol for faster excretion, which can lower risk of heart disease.
• Turn the tube off during dinner
You already know that watching television at mealtime can lead to mindless eating and subsequent weight gain. To protect your family’s heath and their waistlines move the TV out of the kitchen and put it near the treadmill instead.
• Cook with herbs and spices
Flavoring recipes with fresh herbs and spices rather than cooking with salt, butter, and sugar can cut sodium, fat, and calories and improve a meal’s overall health benefits. Many herbs such as thyme and oregano are similar to green, leafy vegetables in that they’re high in Vitamins and minerals.
• Treat yourself to dark chocolate
For years, experts have touted chocolate’s ability to help fight cancer and protect your heart. Dark chocolate can help lower your blood pressure enough to reduce your risk of dying from heart disease by 5% and of stroke by 8%.
• Switch to whole wheat
Let go of your nostalgia for the refine white stuff you grew up on it’s basically an empty calorie food that takes your blood sugar for a roller coaster ride. Whole grains, on the other hand, contain slow digesting complex carbs that help keep blood sugar levels steady, plus they’re high in fiber, which has been shown to decrease your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Swapping of white for whole wheat bread can also improve regularity and help you feel full faster, so you’re less likely to over eat. Aim for three servings of whole grains a day.
• Lift with your legs
Women are more likely than men to suffer back pain because they tend to have weaker back muscles. When your heaving heavy items, kneel down to pick them up don’t bend over from the waist and clench your abs as you stand to take the strain off your lower back.
• Chew, chew, chew
Taking time to thoroughly chew and break up your food makes it easier for your body to extract and absorb nutrients. Plus, keeping food in your mouth longer increases production of saliva, which helps neutralize the stomach acids that cause reflux. And because it takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to signal to the brain that you’re full, the more slowly you eat, the fewer calories you’re likely to consume.
• Toast with wine
Red or white, take your pick. The latest research suggests that drinking wine of any hue helps protect against cardiovascular disease, tooth decay, and upper respiratory infections. But there can be too much of a good thing; downing two or more alcoholic drinks a day has recently been linked with an up to 82% greater risk of developing breast cancer.
• Snuggle with your honey
Hugging your partner is linked with higher levels of oxytocin, a hormone believed to help form sexual and social bonds, plus it lowers your blood pressure. Research shows that women in strong, committed relationship lead happier, healthier lives.
• Stretch after a hot shower
Increasing your flexibility with regular stretching can prevent muscle soreness, improve posture, and reduce your risk of injury. Its best to stretch when muscles are warm and more elastic, whether from exercising or simple standing under hot water. Three post shower stretches, which target women’s tightest zones (hold each stretch for 20 seconds and repeat three times) For your lower back : stand 2 to 3 feet away from a chair and hold on to the back. Keeping your abs tight and your back straight, bend forward at the waist as far as you can comfortably go. For your calves: Place your hands on a wall in front of you, step your right leg back about 2 feet, and gently press your right heel down; repeat with your left leg. For your shoulder: Stand with your fingers laced behind your head and gently pull your elbows back.
• Floss
Cleaning between your teeth helps get rid of the bacteria laden plaque that causes gum disease and possibly a plethora of other problems, including heart disease, stroke, and premature births.
• When nature calls, go!
Even if you feel too swamped to take a two minute potty break, don’t put it off. Stagnant urine in the bladder can lead to urinary tract infections. It may cause you to rush and not fully empty your bladder, plus the seat’s not as dirty as you think. Out of 14 different areas in kitchens and bathrooms, the toilet seat was found to be the least contaminated, if you feeling squeamish, wipe the seat with toilet paper and line if before you sit.
• Wash your hands before going to the bathroom
Think of all the germs you touched while pushing that grocery cart or cleaning the kitchen. To avoid transferring them to your private parts, wash your hands thoroughly for at least 10 seconds before peeing.
• Sport UV blocking shades
Sun exposure can have significant long term effects on your eyes and on the sensitive skin around them. Some potential risks: cataracts, macular degeneration, and basal cell carcinoma, the most common from of skin cancer. Look for sunglasses that promise to block 99 to 100 percent of UVA and UVB rays, and wear them all year round.
• Make time for me time
The list of reasons why chronic high stress is bad for us seems never ending. It can lead to depression, high cholesterol, and weight gain, to name a few. You want to keep everyday stress levels low, so that when something really nerve racking happens, your body’s stress response isn’t over the top. Find regular outlets for blowing off steam, such as yoga, journaling, or having fun with friends.
• Relax the right way before bed
Sleep deprivation doesn’t just leave us groggy and grumpy it also puts us at greater risk for obesity, heart problems, depression, and motor vehicle accidents. Unfortunately, not all of us get a good night’s sleep all the time. One likely reason; we opt to zone out in front of he tube for an hour before bed rather that turning in early, and watching television stimulates the brain, making it harder to fall and stay asleep. To ensure sound slumber, record your favorite late night shows for later viewing and crawl into bed.
• Take a daily multivitamins
It’s good health insurance for imperfect diets which many of us have. Choosing a multi hat contain the following nutrients: vitamin D (800 to 1000 IUs); calcium (600 mg twice a day you’ll need a separate supplement to meet these needs); magnesium (400 mg)’ and folic acid (400mcg; 800mcg if you’re pregnant or trying to become pregnant)
• Sip white tea
White tea is gearing up to replace green tea as the ultimate health brew. While both beverage contain cancer fighting antioxidants called polyphenols, the leaves and buds used to make white tea undergo less processing that green tea leaves and as a result retain more antioxidant power. Studies have also found that white tea extract may help some common bacterial infections, including strep and staph.
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Strategies on how to increase your personal score
1. Take control now
Recognizing and identifying financial issues should be the first step on gaining control. Figure out where your financial weaknesses are whether it’s an inability to control your debts, failure to stick to a savings plan, or failure to make your money work harder for you.
2. Start a savings plan
No matter how much you are earning, it is critical to pay yourself first, which means putting a little bit aside out of each pay to ensure there is some money available for emergencies.
3. Start a budget
You can’t control your cash flow if you don’t monitor where your cash is going. A budget is the best way to minimize expenditure on items you don’t need which can be put towards paying down debt or saving for a rainy day.
4. Improve your knowledge
Buy books, attend investment seminars, visit web sites, and read magazines and newspaper articles. Equip yourself with information to make the best possible choices about your finances. Educate yourself about your options. And also, work with a planner to set a course that is right for you.
5. Get insurance
Life is unpredictable you never know what could happen to your job, home or possession. The only way to protect yourself is to get an adequate level of insurance.
6. Plan for your future
It is never too early to start preparing for retirement. Younger people should start by learning as much as they can about the right fund and how it is structured. Seeking a financial advisor is also critical.
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Parties can be lot of fun, but if you’re the host, stress can creep in amidst the celebration.
Food, décor, and the guest list are usually the top priorities of party planning. And the decisions that need to be made can be nerve-wracking. An intimate get together means you can get creative with place cards, invitations, party favors, games, and costumes. Bigger parties need more preparation time, and perhaps, a little less detail. Send E-mail blasts and text invites instead of written invites, and opt for a buffet style meal instead of a sit down arrangement.
Spruce up the venue
• Shake out the doormat, in your entryway, gather all signs of everyday life, mail, toys, shoes, and stash them in closet.
• Skip the heavy bathroom cleanup and focus on what visitors may notice. Squirt toilet cleanser in the bowl. Set out fresh soap and a guest had towel. Give the bowl and rim a quick swish, flush, and get out of there.
• Decide on what music to play. Compile the songs on your iPod and set up the speakers.
• Remove framed photos, decorative vases, and other clutter from your tabletops. Stash them in decorative baskets and tuck them somewhere they will blend in, like the top of bookshelf.
Food for thought
• Put bulky beverage bottles in a large galvanized or plastic tub place the tub in a cool place. You’ve got all instant help yourself cooler.
• If your food’s ready but the guests are late, set your oven to 200F, then cover the dishes with foil and place them in the oven up to 30 minutes.
• Set our snacks in several locations. Have a second platter of each one ready in the kitchen. Place wine bottles or pre made cocktails or punch with the food, set up a bar elsewhere in the room.
Here are some tips, if your guest’s ages range from one to one hundred:
• Set up separate tables for the kids.
Kids cat interact with their peers, while the adults can carry on their own conversations
• Keep everyone entertained
Place disposable cameras and fun hats and accessories at the adult’s tables. Line children’s tables with big sheets of brown paper, and provide a big tub of crayons for doodling away.
• Prepare kid friendly dishes just for the your ones
No extra time to make a separate menu for the adults, they’ll probably enjoy creamy spaghetti and hotdogs with marshmallows so just double up on those.
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Wishing you not just smile & laughter
not just happiness but pure joy
not just wealth but heaven's
treasures and not just silence but
God's peace....
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You can use nonstick safely, as long as you use it properly. Any food that cooks quickly on low or medium heat and coats most of the pan’s surface (which brings down the pan’s temperature) is unlikely to cause problems; that includes food like scrambled eggs, pancakes, or warmed-up leftovers. And many other kinds of cooking safe as well, the only food prep that yielded a nonstick pan temperature exceeding 600 F in less than ten minutes was steak in a lightweight pan. But to be cautious, keep these tips in mind.
• Never preheat an empty pan
In tests, each of the three empty nonstick pans heated on high reached temperatures above 500 degrees in less than five minutes and the cheapest, most lightweight pan got there in under two minutes. Even pangs with oil in them can be problematic.
• Don’t cook on high heat
Most nonstick manufacturers, now advise consumers not to go above medium. To play it safe, set your knob to medium or low, and don’t place your nonstick cookware over so called power burners, those burners, seen more often in recent years, are intended for tasks like boiling a large pot of water quickly.
• Ventilate your kitchen
When cooking turn on the exhaust fan to help clear away any fumes.
• Don’t broil or sear meats
Those techniques require temperatures above what nonstick can usually handle
• Choose a heavier nonstick pan
Lightweight pans generally heat up fastest, so invest in heavier weight cookware it’s worth the extra money.
• Avoid chipping or damaging the pan
We’ve all been told not to use metal utensils on nonstick pans. Newer products may be hard to chip, “because the adhesion between the pan and the nonstick coating is better”. If pans do chip or flake they may be more likely to release toxic compounds. To prevent scratching use wooden spoons to stir food, avoid steel wool, and don’t stack these pans.
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When life seems tough, go on
When things go wrong move on
Bear in mind that God gives
you strength to persevere, not to surrender.
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When life gets difficult
When the task becomes tiring,
When I'm about to give up
I always remember that the snail
got to Noah's ark inch by inch...
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Life may not be what you planned
Frustrations are hard to understand
but God reigns up above,
so smile and offer your love
the best prayer is "Thy will be done"....
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Cerebellar degeneration is a disease process in which neurons in the cerebellum - the area of the brain that controls muscle coordination and balance - deteriorate and die. Diseases that cause cerebellar degeneration can also involve areas of the brain that connect the cerebellum to the spinal cord, such as the medulla oblongata, the cerebral cortex, and the brain stem. Cerebellar degeneration is most often the result of inherited genetic mutations that alter the normal production of specific proteins that are necessary for the survival of neurons.
Associated diseases: Diseases that are specific to the brain, as well as diseases that occur in other parts of the body, can cause neurons to die in the cerebellum. Neurological diseases that feature cerebellar degeneration include:
* acute and hemorrhagic stroke, when there is lack of blood flow or oxygen to the cerebellum
* cerebellar cortical atrophy, multisystem atrophy and olivopontocerebellar degeneration, progressive degenerative disorders in which cerebellar degeneration is a key feature
* Friedreich’s ataxia, and other spinocerebellar ataxias, which are caused by inherited genetic mutations that progressively kill neurons in the cerebellum, brain stem, and spinal cord
* transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (such as "Mad Cow Disease" and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) in which abnormal proteins cause inflammation in the brain, particularly in the cerebellum
* multiple sclerosis, in which damage to the insulating membrane (myelin) that wraps around and protects nerve cells can involve the cerebellum
Other diseases that can cause cerebellar degeneration include:
* endocrine diseases that involve the thyroid or the pituitary gland
* chronic alcohol abuse that leads to temporary or permanent cerebellar damage
* paraneoplastic disorders in which tumors in other parts of the body produce substances that cause immune system cells to attack neurons in the cerebellum
Symptoms: The most characteristic symptom of cerebellar degeneration is a wide-legged, unsteady, lurching walk, usually accompanied by a back and forth tremor in the trunk of the body. Other symptoms include slow, unsteady and jerky movement of the arms or legs, slowed and slurred speech, and nystagmus -- rapid, small movements of the eyes.
What research is being done?
The NINDS funds research to find the genes involved in diseases that cause cerebellar degeneration. Discovering these genes, identifying their mutations, and understanding how the abnormal proteins they produce cause cerebellar degeneration, will eventually help scientists find ways to prevent, treat, and even cure the diseases that involve cerebellar degeneration.
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Somehow life is full of mysteries.... that even the highest mind cannot comprehend what is happening... that only "ALMIGHTY GOD" holds all the answers to the riddles here on earth.... we could not hold on to our precious life but to put our faith only to ALMIGHTY GOD....
english version
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Don't run ahead of God,
let him direct your steps
he has plans and he has time
God's clock is never early nor late
It always strikes on time
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Be a torch, be a spark
be a candle in the dark,
be a sunbeam or a star,
be the shining light that you are...
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• Bump up your magnesium
Eating a diet rich in this mineral significantly cuts your chances of developing type 2 diabetes, report Swedish researchers. Only about half of Americans get the recommended daily 320 to 420 milligrams of magnesium, but it’s easy to up your intake 2/3 cup of spinach, about 30 almonds, or a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat each delivers about 100 milligrams of the mineral, enough to lower diabetes risk by 15 percent, say the scientist.
• Go easy on selenium
Early research hinted that extra doses of this mineral might be protective, but the latest study found that selenium supplements (200 micrograms a day) not only failed to fend off diabetes, but, over time, might actually increase your risk of the disease.
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Give the virus a cold shoulder with some lifestyle changes.
The cold virus can be carried by children from school, or by parents from the work place to your home. Crowded places like malls and movie houses are also common sources of the virus. When you spend a lot of time indoors with family, friends, and co-workers, the droplets of saliva and mucus carrying the cold virus have little space to circulate. This makes it easier for you to pick up the virus form objects handled by the sick person. Some 95 percent of persons exposed to the cold virus acquire the infection, but only 75 percent show symptoms.
Give the virus a cold shoulder with some lifestyle changes.
The cold virus can be carried by children from school, or by parents from the work place to your home. Crowded places like malls and movie houses are also common sources of the virus. When you spend a lot of time indoors with family, friends, and co-workers, the droplets of saliva and mucus carrying the cold virus have little space to circulate. This makes it easier for you to pick up the virus form objects handled by the sick person. Some 95 percent of persons exposed to the cold virus acquire the infection, but only 75 percent show symptoms.
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If you have a serious grande-cappuccino habit and tend to have high cholesterol levels you may want to switch brews. The oil if coffee beans (both regular and decaf) contains cafestol, a potent cholesterol booster.
Paper filters absorb almost all of the compound, but oil drops can pass through metal filters, so espresso, French press coffee, and brews made with a permanent gold filter all contain cafestol (an average of 2 to 2.6 milligrams per 5 ounces of coffee or 1 to 2 ounces of espresso). In studies, consuming 10 milligrams of cafestol daily for four weeks raised people’s cholesterol by a scary 8 to 10 percent. Bottom line; you don’t have to worry if all you drink is a cup or two of coffee for breakfast (even if your “cup” is a large mug). But if you routinely chugalug several big containers of non-paper-filtered java, including French style, cappuccinos and lattes, or several cups of espresso, and you’ve been told to watch your cholesterol, switch to a paper drip, or learn to love tea.
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Yet another reason not to light up; cigarette smoking quadruples the chances that you’ll develop age related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in people over 55. Never taking the first puff would be even better for your vision, Since former smokers are also at increased risk, a large Australian study has found. (Read more inside ..)
Drop 5 lbs
Tips and tricks to try today
Size matters
Keeping portions in check is key to sliming down, but who wants to carry around a set of measuring cups? Instead, learn to eyeball diet-friendly sizes with these visual cues.
• 1 ounce of cheese: 4 dice
• 3 ounce of meat, poultry or fish: deck of cards
• 2 tablespoon salad dressing: shot glass
• 1 teaspoon butter or margarine: postage stamp
• ½ cup rice or pasta: half a baseball
• ¼ cup nuts: golf ball
Sit down to slim down
Before you eat, take a seat it may help you shed pounds. Researchers at the University of Toronto fed two groups a meal with the same number of calories. The first had lunch at the table, the second ate while standing at a kitchen counter. Surprisingly, the standers ate 75 percent more at their next meal.
Calm down, shed pounds
Research suggests that during times of high stress, the body deposits fat into the abdominal area. The harried and hurried state also increase levels of cortisol, a chemical than can spur emotional eating. Worse, rampant stress can wreak havoc on your sleep, which may cause weight gain. Stress management tips below:
• Breathe slowly, it is physiologically impossible not to calm down when you do this, because it lowers your heart rate.
• Tense up, loosen up, tighten every part of your body, then relax each muscle group, starting with your head down to our feet. This stress-relief technique also helps focus your attention.
• Tune in tune out, listening to soothing music can help lower stress levels.
• Grab pen and paper, studies show that people better understand and learn from their emotions when they write about them.
• Stay in the moment, Immerse yourself in a relaxing activity, such as baking, gardening or walking, and think of nothing but the sensations surrounding what you’re doing at that moment.
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Most Filipinos skip the most important meal of the day, because they’re on a diet, or they feel they just don’t have the time. Your diet gets nothing from skipping breakfast, having breakfast helps maintain a healthy weight and normal body mass index, and reduces your risk for obesity.
Don’t think a cup of coffee is a good enough substitute; whole grains have been proven to have the similar effect of keeping you alert throughout the day. They slowly release glucose into the body, so you have a longer lasting source of energy. A breakfast full of whole grains can come straight out of a cereal box these days , so there’s really no excuse of not having any, it’s quick, economical, and tasty.
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If a man withdraws his mind from the love of beauty, and applies it as sincerely to the love of the virtuous; if, in serving his parents, he can exert his utmost strength; if, in serving his prince, he can devote his life; if in his intercourse with his friends, his words are sincere - although men say that he has not learned, I will certainly say that he has. (Read more inside ..)